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Welcome to

"The Armoury". 

In house custom upgrades using only the best products available.

All the gel blasters you see on this page have been internally upgraded by our amazing technicians in the "Armoury".

Each blasters specs are detailed per listing, rarely do we produce the same upgraded setup twice. 

All builds listed here can be replicated and adapted to suit your preference. 

If we sell a model of blaster that you want to modify, we can add these mods to  all blasters that we stock.  Just email, call or message us to chat about a build for you.

Our upgraded blasters range from 290 fps to 345 fps.
From 17 rounds per second on 11.1v up to over 50 rounds per second.

All "Armoury" upgraded blasters come with a promise of performance to match the description when purchased.  If the blaster is opened or adjusted by anyone after our technicians have worked on it then we can no longer support the build as it is no longer of our finishing.

We highly recommend that all standard gel blasters be serviced after 10 full game days to ensure they are lubricated and maintained. We also recommend all modified gel blasters to be serviced every 5 solid game days.

Warranty:  All Armoury Upgraded blaster parts are supported for 30 days.  We want our customers to return for servicing and on going support of our builds. We will always support our Armoury Built customers.

PLEASE NOTE: All of these upgraded blasters have been opened, this means the receiver has been taken apart.  As a result you may find the take down pins, nuts bolts and screws may have some paint worn off, wear or marks  showing on or around the receiver from handling and being worked on as a result of using tools to work on the blaster.  While we take every care we can to try and keep the blaster in as new condition, marks are inevitable when opening a blaster.

CUSTOM UPGRADES: We also offer upgrading any of the blasters we carry to your specifications. The crazier the better! Our team is literally the number 1 AEG technicians in Australia. Please email us at to discuss which blaster you want and modifications you are after.

Armoury Upgraded Blasters ->

Armoury Upgraded Blasters -> (19)

Armoury Upgraded Scythe Gearbox


Custom Upgraded MOD1 MCX Collapsible Stock Gel Blaster


Upgraded APS M4 DSG 305FPS - 45RPS Gel Blaster


Aztech Innovations Chimera 2 Upgraded CNC Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Orange & Black Chimera DSG


Armoury Upgraded Copper Aztech Chimera MK47 Mutant Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Aztech Chimera MK47 Mutant CQB Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Azrael Chimera HPA ARP9 Red Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Azrael Chimera Chrome Mutant Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Azrael Chimera ARP9 Black Magic


Armoury Upgraded Airtac DSG Blaster


Armoury Upgraded HPA Blitz Compact Gel Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Gel Blaster - Black Chimera 2 PRIME




Armoury Upgraded EMG F1 DSG 300FPS UDR PDW Gel Blaster


Armoury Upgraded Chimera Orange DSG Beast


Armoury Upgraded A&K KRISS Vector


Pre-loved Armoury Upgraded Black Venom Blaster - SOLD

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